Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Free Agency or something like that...

Do you like my outfit? I do! I picked it out ALL by myself. My mom wants to put me in clothes that match and shoes that fit my feet. We argue over this a lot! It's my free agency, right? My mom says she was too tired to fight with me today. Too bad she isn't going to be nine months pregnant forever. In the meantime, I am going to take advantage of this. I don't think my hair needs to be combed or put in a ponytail either. I like it to get crusty and sticky from food. I think I look fabulous!


Remodelaholic said...

Oh the joys of dressing your child... I only know the fun part so far! But I will take the harder parts too! (especially if they look as cute as Reagan)

Sharla said...

Wow, for using her agency so freely she looks awesome! I think it's funny that parents get so worred, but seriously I'm sure she could be a lot worse... the funnies to me was the shoes :). Such a cutie, even if she drives the mommy crazy!

randivon said...

I think that Regan and Mary would get along great! And I am not 9-months pregnant... I just don't have it in me to win arguments with her! Regan is way cute and I am way excited to see pictures of the new baby soon.